Skilled in multiple mediums, Jessica Valderrama uses painting and drawing to observe and render the varying spaces and figures around her. Second generation New York born, Florida Coast grown, ex-Asia expat returned to the States, Jessica portrays a subtle intimacy and belonging between a subject and its surroundings wherever that may be. Her work ranges from Florida marsh-scapes to snapshots of a Korean street scene to sensitive line drawings of her sleeping toddler. She examines the intimate nuance in the changes and idiosyncrasies of her environment and presents to the viewer a familiar embrace or novel perspective. Jessica studied art in and outside of school starting in her early childhood and received a BA majoring in Fine Art from Flagler College, St. Augustine, FL. She is currently living and working in Metro Atlanta, GA.

Read a love letter to fellow artists written by Jessica and featured on Erica Helder’s blog here

Read more about regrets, my mission as an artist and hard pivots here